Microsoft m'indique donc de me rediriger vers le revendeur de la clé pour obtenir un échange ou remboursement, car il était possible que la clef ait été vendue plusieurs fois par le revendeur. Je contacte donc le support Microsoft qui m'indique que la clé d'activation a été activé 43 FOIS ! Chose impossible, la licence ayant été activée sur un seul ordinateur.

Après une remise à zéro de l'ordinateur: l'activation est impossible. Le logiciel a fonctionné pendant deux ans. Now, with more templates and added features, Word allows you to get started right away and finish as quickly as possible. Word has always been a number one choice when it comes to writing papers and other writing assignments. Spreadsheets are helpful in many cases, but you can also make charts and other diagrams as well. If you need to keep track of data or information, you can easily do all of that on Excel. Communication is key with group projects.

This can help keep communication at a good level. You can also write down any ideas for projects and share with classmates. Missed a lecture? No problem, ask one of your classmates to send you their notes through OneNote. PowerPoint has always had great effects and features but now there is more, such as 3D images and icons. With new upgrades, these applications are easier than ever to use and more user-friendly. Some of these features are remarkable and are game changers.

That’s why all of these applications have new added features. Microsoft wants to make your homework as easy as possible for you. If you’re a student, you know that you have a lot of different homework and projects to complete. The download is simple and fast, making it easy for you to dive in and complete your work. With this simple software, you will be able to use PowerPoint, OneNote, Excel and Word.

This download is the best choice for students or anyone that would like access to some of Microsoft’s best applications.